Day 23 in BNE
這是我們最後一周到Fellowship了!! 這裡真的很溫馨, 大家人都好好!!
Pray and bless for us!
下周就要move to Bundaberg了!! 即將開始辛苦的農村生活!!
感謝這些日子能有這麼多人的幫助!! 真的很幸運!!!
How lucky we are!!!
自從決定要到Bundaberg後, 開始很努力的想把BNE周邊的城市和景點玩一玩!!
除了昨天到Sunshine Coast之外~
今日原本下午要去看Tim的比賽! 可惜今日沒安排他上場~
所以我們就取消這個行程!! 直接到South Bank當觀光客了!!
There are so many things have to thanks...
Thanks Dorris for taking us around the city to find out how to buy a long term train ticket!
Thanks Phil for taking us around the South Bank and having Fish n Chips!
Mostly, thanks Jessica "Mommy" for being so enthusiastic about helping us a lot!
We'll really miss you guys!!!
圖: 這是Fellowship的大家~
OK! The boy who stands beside me is Tim! 他就是Tim拉!!頗帥 哈哈!!
但是太幼齒啃不下去, 所以不用慫恿!
在我跟丸子後面的是Joshua(應該沒拼錯吧...), 是Phil的小兒子!
這兩個孩子長大都不得了啊!! 帥哥兩枚!!
至於Phil是哪個應該不難猜得出來吧! 站在最左邊後面的帥哥就是啦!!